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Duel of the Fates
A Fan Fiction Novelization of
Star Wars - Episode I:
The Phantom Menace
The Phantom Menace has had a love/hate relationship with Star Wars fans. Pete Fletzer (host of the Star Wars podcast, Around the Galaxy) always believed the film played like the movie version of a good book that didn't quite get it totally right. In celebration of the 20th anniversary of Episode I, this former freelance writer for Lucasfilm's Star Wars Galaxy has created a FREE full-length novelization of the film as if this was the book the movie was adapted from - as opposed to an adaptation of the "major motion picture." You'll find almost all of the characters from the film, the familiar story flow and the majority of the dialogue. But, what you will also get is deeper character study, understanding of motivation and, references to and exploration of things you saw in other Star Wars movies. All while creating an immersive book that keeps you turning the page. It may even change the way you watch the movie!