In a galaxy where creativity reigns supreme, the LEGO® Star Wars™ collaboration between the LEGO Group and Lucasfilm celebrates its 25th anniversary with a year-long extravaganza, marking a quarter-century of innovation, imagination, and unforgettable adventures in the Star Wars universe.
Kicking off the milestone celebration at the Spielwarenmesse, also known as the Nuremberg International Toy Fair, the LEGO Group unveils a galaxy of new products and initiatives that honor the enduring legacy of LEGO Star Wars and the passionate fans who have embraced it.
New LEGO® Star Wars™ building sets adorned with a special 25th-anniversary logo take center stage, featuring iconic starships like the Millennium Falcon™ and the Invisible Hand™, as well as beloved ships such as the Tantive IV™. Each set is a testament to the boundless creativity and attention to detail that have defined the LEGO Star Wars experience for fans of all ages.
But the celebration doesn't stop there. The LEGO Group announces the launch of the LEGO Star Wars 25-Second Film Festival, inviting fans from across the galaxy to showcase their creativity and passion for Star Wars through the art of stop-motion animation. With just 25 seconds to captivate audiences, aspiring filmmakers have the opportunity to reimagine their favorite Star Wars moments or craft entirely new adventures with LEGO Star Wars sets and minifigures.
Mike Ilacqua, Head of Product at the LEGO Group, reflects on the monumental milestone, expressing gratitude to the dedicated fan community whose creativity and passion have propelled LEGO Star Wars to unprecedented heights of success and innovation.
Paul Southern, Senior Vice President of Lucasfilm Franchise and Licensing, echoes these sentiments, emphasizing the enduring bond between Star Wars and LEGO and the profound impact it has had on fans worldwide.
As part of the anniversary festivities, fans are treated to a larger-than-life LEGO brick build of the lovable astromech droid, R2-D2, crafted from an astonishing 27,797 LEGO elements. This awe-inspiring creation will embark on a journey across Europe and the U.S., bringing joy and wonder to fans wherever it goes.
To commemorate the occasion, LEGO Star Wars enthusiasts share their heartfelt stories and reflections, underscoring the profound impact that Star Wars has had on their lives and creative endeavors. From colossal dioramas to intricate builds inspired by their favorite Star Wars moments, fans continue to find inspiration and joy in the limitless possibilities of the LEGO Star Wars universe.
As the celebration unfolds, fans can look forward to even more surprises and delights throughout the year, including the release of an updated edition of DK's LEGO Star Wars Visual Dictionary, complete with an exclusive new minifigure.
For 25 years, LEGO Star Wars has captured the hearts and imaginations of fans young and old, inviting them to embark on thrilling adventures and explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy. As the journey continues, the LEGO Group remains committed to inspiring the builders of tomorrow through the power of play, ensuring that the spirit of Star Wars lives on for generations to come.
May the bricks be with you, always.
For more information and to explore the latest LEGO Star Wars offerings, visit